Beko Fridge Freezer Faults

Beko Fridge Freezer

Helpful features in Beko fridge freezers include Frost Free technology – automatically defrosting the freezer so that you don’t have to – an automatic fan removes warm air leaving no chance for ice build-up. Crisper drawers are specially designed to control air and humidity, keeping food fresh for up to 30 days.

And multizone compartments mean that more freezer space can be allocated at the touch of a button. So how do you know when things aren’t working as they should? See a selection of Beko fridge freezer faults here…

Beko Fridge Freezer Fault Codes

Beko fridge freezer common faults may be displayed with the following codes:

  • E0 – indicates a freezer thermistor failure with the fan and compressor working continuously. The freezer bar-graph display won’t be working. Wiring will need to be checked, alongside the control module. And the sensor may need replacing.
  • E1 – sensing a fridge defrost sensor failure which may have to be replaced, the control module and wiring will also need inspecting.
  • E3 – when the fridge thermistor is defective the fridge bar-graph will be off. The sensor value may be incorrect or short, and the wiring will need testing. The sensor or control module may need replacing.
  • E4 – if the defrost heater fails it will need checking for continuity – and then may need repairing or replacing.
  • E8 – pointing to an ice maker or ice thermistor sensor failure where the ice maker wiring and sensor will need investigating. The main module will also need to be assessed.
  • E9 – this shows an ice machine fault and the wiring and the ice maker unit will need examination.

Frost Free Fridge Freezer Problems

Beko frost free fridge freezer faults can include the temperature being too warm. Resulting in ice build-up on the evaporator. This component is similar to a radiator that’s cooled by liquified gas pumped through it by a compressor. The top fan draws air in and blows it across the evaporator which in turn lowers the temperature.

Opening the freezer door allows warm air to enter and turn to frost on the cold evaporator. Over a period of time, a build-up of frost can prevent the temperature from cooling enough – but a frost-free freezer has an element fitted under the evaporator that heats up the frost allowing it to melt and drain away.

There are a few reasons why your evaporator may not be functioning properly and suffering from a build-up of ice. These include:

A defective heater – the wiring from the heater goes up the side of the evaporator and behind the fan to a plugin the freezer ceiling. The heater will need to be disconnected and tested with a multimeter – the reading should be between 200 and 300 ohms. Any other reading suggests a fault and the heater will need to be replaced.

A malfunctioning fuse – this is located near to the heater and can also be tested with the multimeter. A working fuse should record a reading of less than a couple of ohms.

A faulty sensor around the evaporator will give readings from 2000 up to 40,000 ohms – readings outside these bands indicate the fault is there and the sensors need replacing.

The control board and timer can also be the culprits for ice build-up on the evaporator. If they are the source of the fault they will need repairing or replacing.

Find a Reputable Appliance Repair Company

When you need a hassle-free fridge freezer repair you’ll want a professional who knows how to fix your Beko appliance – no matter what model. Highly trained local experts will even come on the same day. You can make your online booking assured that your repair will carry a six-months parts and labour guarantee. And your Beko fridge freezer will soon be working as new.

Beko Fridge Freezer Faults was last modified: August 7th, 2019 by Mix Repairs